Running singlet, shorts, socks, shoes, some rehydration gels, checked.
Alarm clock, checked.
Turning to bed early.
Feeling happy and looking forward to your run next morning when you wake up.
The next thing you know is, a thunderstorm arrives the next morning when you wake up. That ought to dampen some spirits.
Does that sound familiar? Bad weather can be a mood damper and morale killer when it comes to running. However, all is not lost. Here are a few strategies you can adopt when it comes to such unforeseen
Do full body stretches from head to toes, that you otherwise have too little time or focus to act on during your regular running sessions. Not only does stretching improve your flexibility, it also helps in recovery, return of blood and general responsiveness of muscle fibres. Simple and powerful routine to enhance your performance indeed.
Good old static exercises that can be done indoors and at home. From push ups, sit ups, crunches, squats, leg raises, lunges, planks ... there are no short of exercises to keep those muscles busy. Little space is required and you get to tone those other muscles that are less used during running as well. Looking fit and feeling good, not too bad for a rainy day.
Hit the gym
With all that adrenaline and anticipation psyched up, don't waste it! Visit your neighbourhood or club gymnasium for a hearty run on the treadmill. The perks are the great music and maybe TV programmes to watch while working out. Less stickiness in the cooling air-conditioned room too!
Meditation or Yoga
A calm and composed mind is more focused and sharp when put to action. Using meditation time to regulate and control your breathing, circulation and general mental vitality. Feel and unwind each muscle and visualize the placidness of your long runs. While some people treat running as meditation of the mind, the actual static meditation does even more wonders in triggering body senses and smoothness of bodily functions. Oooohmm....
You can take the chance to whip up a good breakfast, filled with wholesome goodness of bread, eggs, cheese, fruits, milk, cereal, beverage or whatever rejuvenates your body to a healthy start, just like a run will! Put all that energy and anticipation into planning and cooking your breakfast, as well as finishing up those great foods. Not a bad reward for waking up early.

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