Water is a crucial substance in the body. It is needed as a solvent for other biological substances to dissolve and react. These reactions help keep us alive. Water is also a key component in sweat, which helps remove excessive heat generated during exercise.
As with all rugged sports, perspiration is mandatory and unavoidable. The intensity of running makes it a sport that involves large amounts of fluid loss from the body. To stay at the optimal level of fitness and recovery, replenishing this loss is critically important.
Many healthcare professionals advocate drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday for normal adults. This is the bottomline for inactive persons. Imagine the prolonged perspiration during a race. It is not difficult to imagine our body yearning for more glasses of water than usual.
On normal sedentary days, try to drink at least 8 to 12 glasses daily. To facilitate this, u can bring a water bottle or flask to your desk or workplace. Building a habit of drinking during meals or when u take a break can also be useful. The key is to tag drinking to some activities or time or place that u will never miss. For instance, if u tend to stay in front of the computer, place a water flask next to it for easy access.
On active days, u should drink more, depending on the duration of exercise and weather too. It may sound absurd to remind ourselves to drink a certain amount of water, like, wouldn't our body tell us to be thirsty? The truth is, under the conditions of fatigue and physical stress, we tend to neglect signals that our body is sending us. A good rule of thumb is to hydrate before, during and after a race or training.
A good guideline is to drink at least 500ml of water for every 1 hour of physcial activity. This can be spread into a few portions if you don't have a tolerance for such volume. For more effective hydration, u can put electrolytes into the drink. The isotonic drinks are a good source of this. This is 2 benefits, increase hydration and replenish lost body salts.
Apart from direct hydration through drinking, runners can also get a good supplement of water from diet. Fruits and vegetables do aid in providing some fluid to our bodies too. In particular, juicy ones like celery, oranges, watermelons, apples etc all make good water supplements. Put in the effort to remind yourself and hydration will come as a natural gesture to u soon!
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As with all rugged sports, perspiration is mandatory and unavoidable. The intensity of running makes it a sport that involves large amounts of fluid loss from the body. To stay at the optimal level of fitness and recovery, replenishing this loss is critically important.
Many healthcare professionals advocate drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday for normal adults. This is the bottomline for inactive persons. Imagine the prolonged perspiration during a race. It is not difficult to imagine our body yearning for more glasses of water than usual.
On normal sedentary days, try to drink at least 8 to 12 glasses daily. To facilitate this, u can bring a water bottle or flask to your desk or workplace. Building a habit of drinking during meals or when u take a break can also be useful. The key is to tag drinking to some activities or time or place that u will never miss. For instance, if u tend to stay in front of the computer, place a water flask next to it for easy access.
On active days, u should drink more, depending on the duration of exercise and weather too. It may sound absurd to remind ourselves to drink a certain amount of water, like, wouldn't our body tell us to be thirsty? The truth is, under the conditions of fatigue and physical stress, we tend to neglect signals that our body is sending us. A good rule of thumb is to hydrate before, during and after a race or training.
A good guideline is to drink at least 500ml of water for every 1 hour of physcial activity. This can be spread into a few portions if you don't have a tolerance for such volume. For more effective hydration, u can put electrolytes into the drink. The isotonic drinks are a good source of this. This is 2 benefits, increase hydration and replenish lost body salts.
Apart from direct hydration through drinking, runners can also get a good supplement of water from diet. Fruits and vegetables do aid in providing some fluid to our bodies too. In particular, juicy ones like celery, oranges, watermelons, apples etc all make good water supplements. Put in the effort to remind yourself and hydration will come as a natural gesture to u soon!

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